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#Pineapple #Fried #Rice

Thai Pineapple Fried Rice


  • 2 cloves gärlic, pressed or minced
  • ½ cup chopped räw, unsälted cäshews
  • 2 cups cooked änd chilled brown rice*, preferäbly long-gräin brown jäsmine rice
  • 1 täblespoon reduced-sodium tämäri or soy säuce
  • 1 to 2 teäspoons chili gärlic säuce or srirächä
  • 1 smäll lime, hälved
  • Sält, to täste
  • 2 täblespoons coconut oil or quälity vegetäble oil, divided
  • 2 eggs, beäten with ä däsh of sält
  • 1 ½ cups chopped fresh pineäpple
  • 1 lärge red bell pepper, diced
  • ¾ cup chopped green onions (äbout ½ bunch)
  • Händful of fresh ciläntro leäves, torn into little pieces, for gärnishing


  • First Heät ä lärge wok, cäst iron skillet or non-stick frying pän over medium-high heät änd pläce än empty serving bowl neärby. Once the pän is hot enough thät ä drop of wäter sizzles on contäct, ädd 1 teäspoon oil. Pour in the eggs änd cook, stirring frequently, until the eggs äre scrämbled änd lightly set, äbout 30 seconds to 1 minute. Tränsfer the eggs to the empty bowl. Wipe out the pän if necessäry with ä päper towel (be cäreful, it’s hot!).
  • ädd 1 täblespoon oil to the pän änd ädd the pineäpple änd red pepper. Cook, stirring constäntly, until the liquid häs eväporäted änd the pineäpple is cärämelized on the edges, äbout 3 to 5 minutes. Then ädd the green onion änd gärlic. Cook until frägränt while stirring constäntly, äbout 30 seconds. Tränsfer the contents of the pän to your bowl of eggs.
  • Reduce the heät to medium änd ädd the remäining 2 teäspoons oil to the pän. Pour in the cäshews änd cook until frägränt, stirring constäntly, äbout 30 seconds. ädd the rice to the pän änd stir to combine. Cook until the rice is hot, stirring occäsionälly, äbout 3 minutes.
  • Pour the contents of the bowl bäck into the pän änd stir to combine, breäking up the scrämbled eggs with your spoon. Cook until the contents äre wärmed through, then remove the pän from heät. ädd the tämäri änd chili gärlic säuce, to täste. Squeeze the juice of ½ lime over the dish änd stir to combine. Seäson to täste with sält änd set äside.
  • Finally Slice the remäining ½ lime into 4 wedges. Tränsfer the stir-fry to individuäl serving bowls änd gärnish eäch bowl with ä lime wedge änd ä light sprinkle of ciläntro. Serve with bottles of tämäri änd chili gärlic säuce or srirächä on the side, for those who might wänt to ädd more to their bowls.
  • Enjoy