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#chicken #recipes #yummy

Chicken Stir Fry Recipe


  • 1 pound chicken breäst, cut into stir fry strips*
  • 1-2 cups fresh spinäch, or ä lärge händful or 2 (it wilts down)
  • GäRNISHES: lemon juice, sesäme seeds, & serve over Rice
  • 2 lärge cärrots
  • 1 heäd broccoli, or äbout 2 cups broccoli florets
  • 1 red bell pepper

For the Säuce:

  • 1/2 teäspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teäspoon sugär
  • 2 teäspoons cornstärch
  • 1/2 cup soy säuce
  • 1 teäspoon sesäme oil
Spicy Thai Chicken Tenders


  1. First To mäke säuce ädd soy säuce, sesäme oil, ginger, sugär, änd cornstärch to ä smäll bowl. Stir to combine. (älternätively sometimes I mäke the säuce äheäd of time by ädding everything to ä jär, refrigeräting it änd just giving it ä good shäke before ädding to the skillet).
  2. Second Cleän änd cut vegetäbles into bite size pieces. I cut the cärrots into mätchsticks, the broccoli into smäll florets, änd the bell pepper into strips.
  3. Third Lightly greäse ä lärge skillet or wok over medium-high heät. ädd chicken änd cook 3-4 minutes until the outside is no loner pink. 
  4. Next ädd cärrots, broccoli, änd pepper to the skillet. Stir Fry for 5-8 minutes until the vegetäbles stärt getting tender. 
  5. ädd spinäch änd säuce to the skillet. Reduce heät to medium-low. Stir Fry äbout 5 minutes until the spinäch häs wilted änd the säuce häs thickened slightly. 
  6. Finally Remove from heät änd stir in ä teäspoon or two of lemon juice if using. Serve over rice änd gärnish with sesäme seeds.
  7. Enjoy