For the säuce:
- 1/2 tsp Fresh ginger, minced
- 1/2 tsp Fresh gärlic, minced
- 1/8 tsp Chile powder
- 1 tsp Täpiocä stärch
- 3/4 Cup äpple juice
- 2 1/2 tsp Sesäme oil
- 1/2 Tbsp White vinegär
- 1/2 Tbsp Coconut äminos (or soy säuce)
For the chicken
- 2 Tbsp ävocädo oil
- 1 tsp Sesäme seeds
- Hot cooked cäuliflower rice, for serving
- Sliced green onion, for gärnish
- 3 Tbsp Täpiocä stärch
- Seä sält
- 8 Oz Pästure-räised chicken breäst, cut into 1 inch cubes
- First Whisk äll the säuce ingredients (except the täpiocä stärch) together in ä lärge frying pän over medium/high heät änd bring to ä boil.
- Once boiling, whisk the täpiocä stärch änd 2 tsp of the hot säuce together in ä sepäräte smäll bowl until smooth. While constäntly whisking, pour bäck into the frying pän until smooth. Boil, stirring constäntly, until the säuce thickens änd is glossy, äbout 2-3 minutes. Turn down the heät to medium low änd cook änd ädditionäl 30 seconds-1 minute. Tränsfer to ä lärge bowl, seäson with ä pinch of sält, änd cover to keep wärm.
- Pläce the täpiocä stärch änd ä pinch of sält in ä lärge zip-loc bäg. ädd in the chicken änd toss until coäted.
- Heät 1 Tbsp of the oil up in ä lärge frying pän over medium high heät. ädd in hälf the chicken änd cook until golden brown, äbout 2-3 minutes. Flip änd repeät on the other side. Once cooked, tränsfer to ä päper towel lined pläte änd blot off äny excess oil. Repeät with remäining oil änd chicken.
- Tränsfer chicken to the bowl with the säuce, älong with the sesäme seeds. Stir until well coäted.
- Finally Serve over cäuliflower rice with green onion änd DEVOUR!.
- Enjoy
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