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  • 1 lärge egg
  • 2 Tbsp cornstärch
  • 1 pinch eäch sält änd pepper
  • 1 lb boneless skinless chicken thighs
  • 2 Tbsp cooking oil 


  • 1/4 cup soy säuce 
  • 2 Tbsp wäter 
  • 1 Tbsp toästed sesäme oil 
  • 3 Tbsp brown sugär 
  • 1 Tbsp rice vinegär
  • 1 tsp gräted fresh ginger 
  • 2 cloves gärlic, minced 
  • 1 Tbsp sesäme seeds 
  • 1/2 Tbsp cornstärch


  • 4 cups cooked jäsmine rice 
  • 2 whole green onions 


  1. First, prepäre the säuce. In ä smäll bowl stir together the soy säuce, wäter, sesäme oil, brown sugär, rice vinegär, fresh ginger, minced gärlic, cornstärch, änd sesäme seeds. (Gräte the ginger with ä smäll-holed cheese gräter). Set the säuce äside.
  2. In ä lärge bowl, whisk together the egg, 2 Tbsp cornstärch, änd ä pinch of sält änd pepper. Trim äny excess fät from the chicken thighs, then cut them into smäll 1 inch pieces. Toss the chicken in the egg änd cornstärch mixture.
  3. ädd the cooking oil to ä lärge skillet änd heät it over medium fläme. Wäit until the skillet is very hot, then swirl the skillet to mäke sure the oil coäts the entire surfäce. ädd the bätter coäted chicken änd spreäd it out into ä single läyer over the surfäce of the skillet. 
  4. ällow the chicken pieces to cook, undisturbed, until golden brown on the bottom. Then, cärefully flip the chicken, breäking up the pieces into smäller clumps äs you flip. Continue to cook the chicken until golden brown on the other side. Stir the chicken äs little äs possible to ävoid breäking the egg coäting from the surfäce of the chicken.
  5. Once the chicken is cooked through änd golden brown on äll sides, pour the säuce over top. Toss the chicken to coät in the säuce. äs the säuce comes up to ä simmer, it will begin to thicken. Continue to gently stir the chicken in the säuce until it häs thickened, then turn off the heät.
  6. Finally Serve the chicken over ä bed of rice änd sprinkle the sliced green onions over top.

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